Reader's Block: How quarantine also brought pause to my reading

“But I kept reading in hopes that something would feel right.”

- The Wise Librarian

I love reading. It is my favorite thing to do.  But earlier this spring I didn’t feel that way. It was a struggle to find something I wanted to read. I thought being stuck at home with my shelves of books would give me the opportunity to finally read all those titles I’ve been meaning to read.  But nothing felt right - I felt guilty reading “fluffy” books and I felt overwhelmed reading “serious” books when reality itself was so serious.  But I kept reading in the hopes that something would feel right. After all, there’s only so much Netflix one can watch! 

Ultimately, I did end up reading quite a few books in March and April.  But if I’m completely honest, I wasn’t really feeling it.  I wasn’t as immersed in the stories and it took me longer to finish the books I started. But I kept going.  I knew there had to be something that would put me back in the reading saddle - I just had to keep trying.  

Maybe you have had a different experience and are reading more than you ever have.  I am so happy for you (and a little bit envious)!  But I don’t think I’m the only reader who has been struggling these past five months.  I wish there was some magic solution for everyone but I don’t think that one exists. I can just share what worked for me.  I kept trying.  I love reading too much to just give it up.

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